Contact Communicasting Studios

Communicasting Studios location


Office: (727) 201-2217

Cell: (727) 463-7265

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Communicasting Studios, Inc.
750 94th Ave. N.
Suite 201
St. Petersburg, FL 33702



The Crew

Frank Ranieri, President / Creative Director
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Sharon McCaman, Marketing & Design Consultant
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Chloe Jones, Programming & Development
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Haven Griner, Programming & Content Creator
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Aiden Vanasco, Programming & Content Creator
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Allison Clark, Programming & Content Creator
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Melinda Ranieri, Comptroller
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Bill Dahl, Photographer & Videographer
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Anthony Ranieri, Camera Operator / Grip / Gaffer
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Contact Form

What Is Communicasting?

Com · mu · ni · cast · ing, verb

   1. Creating customers through branding.

   2. Communication through broadcasting.

No matter which definition you choose, Communicasting Studios will provide you with marketing that creates customers.